The newest addition to the Central Texas biking landscape is Buescher State Park in Smithville. Anyone who has ridden at Rocky Hill Ranch has probably passed by and wondered "do they let bikes in there?" Well, the answer is now yes.
This trail is the work of many volunteers who have given their time to help expand our trail options, so be sure to thank those that have been on the working end of those heavy tools.
Location: Smithville, TX
Directions:Take Route 71 East towards Bastrop. You'll pass through Bastrop and when you get near Smithville, take the exit for 95/153. Go under the highway, heading towards 153 (East). You'll hit the south park entrance after a few thousand feet by KLBJ road.
Technical Level: Low to medium
Length: There is about 10 miles of trail. The GPX file below is from the main entrance to the trailhead, the blue trail and then the red trail.
Trails: The trails are designed to be multi-use, so don't expect technical features. The trail surface is similar to Rocky Hill Ranch, pines and sandy with red dirt.
Trail Map: Map
Shade: High, a great place to be on a hot sunny day
Extras: Right down the road from Rocky Hill Ranch so you have a second choice there. Check out the park's site for other ammenities
Fees: $4
Post Ride Beer: Full Sail IPA, while it is an Oregon beer, it sure tasted good
Links: Link
GPS File: Link