
Location: Hot Springs, AR

Possible Dates (Tuesday through Sunday trip):

  • September 17-22
  • September 24-29
  • October 1-6 
  • October 8-13
  • October 15-20

Temperatures were in the upper 80's with lows in the 60's in September last year, into the first week in October. Then, in the second week of October they started dropping with lows in the 50's in the morning. By the third week of October the mornings are in the 40's.


Northwoods Trails

:15 drive, 31 miles of trails

Trail info: https://www.northwoodstrails.org/ 

Video: https://youtu.be/SPfkbPNINdY 

Mount Nebo 

1:35 drive, 32 Miles of trails

Trail Info: https://www.oztrails.com/trail-locations/mt-nebo/ 

Video: https://youtu.be/lo9EPMqsOnw 

Iron Mountain Trails 

:42 drive, 21 miles of trails

Trail info: https://www.trailforks.com/region/iron-mountain-3734 

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8aw3GXRjCg 

Pinnacle Mountain State Park 

1:00 drive, 16 miles of trails

Trail Info: https://www.oztrails.com/trail-locations/pinnacle-mountain-state-park/

Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpqFe333afA 


Extra Credit: Womble Trail

1:10 drive, 35 miles of trails

Trail info: https://www.trailforks.com/route/womble-trail-imba-epic/ 

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONI007RBbn4 



Superior Bathhouse Brewing: https://www.superiorbathhouse.com/

SQBX Pizza and Brewing: https://sqzbx.com/

Copper Penny Pub: https://copper-penny-pub.com/

Grateful Head Pizza: https://gratefulheadpizza.com/index.htm 


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